Back in the days when England was beginning to colonize the New World, 1587 to be precise, an English colony was stablished in Roanoke island, nowadays part of North Carolina. Lead by John White, they went through several dificulties, which forced White to go back to England for supplies, leaving in Roanoke the other 113 settlers including his daughter Eleanor, her husband Ananias Dare, and their child - his granddaughter - Virginia.
Due to several troubles, John White could only return to Roanoke three years later. When he finally arrived on the island, however, there was no one there, even though the sailors and White had seen smoke rising from the place the day before disembarking. All the settlers were never seen again. All that was left of them in Roanoke was an inscription in a tree which spelled "CROATOAN". A very strange true story.
Skeptics believe the settlers left Roanoke to go to Croatoan, another island located south of Roanoke. White had agreed with the other settlers that, if they had to leave their colony, they would leave John a sign of where they went, which, then, could be Croatoan. The problem is: when White arrived in Croatoan, no one was there. Until today, no one knows for sure where did the settlers go, and poor John White never saw his family again.
There are many crazy theories for what happened with them, and the one I like the most claims that "Croaton" is the name of an ancient Indian demon who, they say, vanished with the people to only God knows where.
From this day on, Roanoke became the "Lost Colony".
Due to several troubles, John White could only return to Roanoke three years later. When he finally arrived on the island, however, there was no one there, even though the sailors and White had seen smoke rising from the place the day before disembarking. All the settlers were never seen again. All that was left of them in Roanoke was an inscription in a tree which spelled "CROATOAN". A very strange true story.
Skeptics believe the settlers left Roanoke to go to Croatoan, another island located south of Roanoke. White had agreed with the other settlers that, if they had to leave their colony, they would leave John a sign of where they went, which, then, could be Croatoan. The problem is: when White arrived in Croatoan, no one was there. Until today, no one knows for sure where did the settlers go, and poor John White never saw his family again.
There are many crazy theories for what happened with them, and the one I like the most claims that "Croaton" is the name of an ancient Indian demon who, they say, vanished with the people to only God knows where.
From this day on, Roanoke became the "Lost Colony".