If you ever find yourself in a Bear Grills kind of situation and need protein in order to survive, look for birds' eggs.
There is no difference in the nutritional composition of those kinds of eggs - all that changes is size and color. That makes all eggs have basically the same flavour, even though the animal's diet may influence it (for example, if a bird eats a lot of fish, its eggs may taste a little bit like fish). The main reason not to eat any kind of birds' eggs is that most of them are not monitored by health authorities. Another good reason is that most species are not so productive as common chikens (which can lay 300 eggs a year, each).
There is no difference in the nutritional composition of those kinds of eggs - all that changes is size and color. That makes all eggs have basically the same flavour, even though the animal's diet may influence it (for example, if a bird eats a lot of fish, its eggs may taste a little bit like fish). The main reason not to eat any kind of birds' eggs is that most of them are not monitored by health authorities. Another good reason is that most species are not so productive as common chikens (which can lay 300 eggs a year, each).