Using animals as a part of therapy began in the IX century, and it was first registered in Gheel, Belgium. Back then, people with special needs were allowed to take care of domestic animals.
This type of therapy resurfaced during the 1960's in the USA, when the psychologist Boris Levinson used his labrador dog Jingles to help a kid with socialization problems. The child arrived early for his appointment and, in the waiting room, encountered the dog, with whom he soon started to talk about his distresses and afflictions. The experience motivated Dr. Levinson to use Jingles as a part of the treatment for authism, and he discovered that animals provided the kids the opportunity to express their emotions. Nowadays, his theories are taken seriously and it has been proved that living with animals is good for the mental and physical health of humans of any age, no matter what problem they have.
This type of therapy resurfaced during the 1960's in the USA, when the psychologist Boris Levinson used his labrador dog Jingles to help a kid with socialization problems. The child arrived early for his appointment and, in the waiting room, encountered the dog, with whom he soon started to talk about his distresses and afflictions. The experience motivated Dr. Levinson to use Jingles as a part of the treatment for authism, and he discovered that animals provided the kids the opportunity to express their emotions. Nowadays, his theories are taken seriously and it has been proved that living with animals is good for the mental and physical health of humans of any age, no matter what problem they have.